domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Duchamp urinal art not

Duchamp urinal art not

The idea of designating such a lowly object as a work of art came from a Whether Mr Mutt with his own hands made the fountain has no importance. 16 Feb 2008 Taking the pee: Duchamp.s original fountain, bought from a New York. art: " Whether Mr Mutt made the fountain with his own hands or not has. The Louvre and the Uffizi are alive and well: it was not traditional painting that took it on the chin after Duchamp, but the philosophy of art. This consequence of.

After moving from Paris to New York in 1915, Marcel Duchamp became a Fountain. 1917/1964. sculpture, glazed ceramic with black paint. Not on view at this. 24 Mar 2010 “Fountain” was not a coveted art object until well after the second world war, when Duchamp became a cult figure among Pop artists.

Duchamp urinal art not

8 Feb 2008 Love it or hate it, Marcel Duchamp.s urinal revolutionised modern culture than the urinal itself, which was not his first "readymade" work of art.

;Fountain;, Marcel Duchamp, Tate

A urinal displaced and called art, this Readymade has caused much controversy ever "R. Mutt 1917" on its upper side, Fountain isn.t merely one of Duchamp.s Readymades. A huge commotion followed over the Fountain not being decent.


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